Monday 11 July 2016


Q.1. Quality of petrol is expressed in terms of
A. Cetane no
B. Gold no
C. Octane no
D. Added unlead compounds

Q.2. Nylon is made up of
A. Polyamide
B. Polyster
C. Polyethene
D. Propene

Q.3. A thick paste of cement, sand, and water is
A. Concrete
B. R.C.C
C. Mortar
D. Kiln

Q.4. Most electronegative element is
A. Fluorine
B. Sodium
C. Chlorine
D. Oxygen

Q.5. Which of the following does not contain silver
A. Ruby silver
B. Lunar caustic
C. German silver
D. Horn silver

Q.6. Which is a natural colloid -
A. Sodium chloride
B. Urea
C. Cane sugar
D. Blood

Q.7. Heavy water is 
A. Deuterium oxide (D2O)
B. Protium Oxide
C. Tritium Oxide
D. None

Q.8. Element of atomic no 29 belongs to
A. S block
B. D block
C. P block
D. F block

Q.9. In a period from Li to F, Ionisation potential
A. Cannot b predicted
B. Increases
C. Decreases
D. Remains same

Q.10. Antiseptic compound present in Dettol is
A. Iodine
B. Enloroxylenol
C. Biothional
D. Cresol

Q.11.Which one of the following has greatest mass
A. Electron
B. Proton
C. Neutron
D. Hydrogen nucleus

Q.12. Percentage of Nitrogen present in Ammonium Sulphate is
A. 27
B. 25
C. 30.5
D. 18

Q.13. Nitrogen is Essential Constituent of all
A. Fats
B. Proteins
C. Vitamins
D. Carbohydrates

Q.14. Element 106 was discovered by
A. Rutherford
B. Seaborg
C. Lawrence
D. Einstein

Q.15. Hard and Soft water can be distinguished by using
A. Dilute acid
B. Ordinary soap
C. Detergent
D. Liquid soap

Q.16. Silicon is a
A. Semiconductor
B. Insulator
C. Non conductor
D. Conductor

Q.17. Second largest component in milk is
A. Fat
B. Minerals
C. Water
D. Sugar

Q.18. Hottest part of gas flame is called
A. Blue zone
B. Non luminous zone
C. Luminous zone
D. Hot zone

Q.19. Unit to measure the flow of water is
A. Micro mho
B. Ohm meter
C. Milli curie
D. Cusecs

Q.20. Benzene cannot undergo
A. Substitutiin
B. Addition
C. Elimination
D. Oxidation

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