Sunday 3 July 2016


Q.1. According to the Indian Constitution, the Vacancy in the office of the President shall be filled with in
A. 1month
B. 6month
C. 3month
D. 1year

Q.2. Postal voting is otherwise called
A. Plural voting
B. Proxy voting
C. Weighted voting
D. Secret voting

Q.3. Which committee was appointed for Indian civil services in 1854 under the Charter act of 1853.
A. Ramsay commitee
B. Macaulay comittee
C. Madras committee
D. William Bentick committee

Q.4. Who is known as the Father of Communal electorate.
A. Lord Minto
B. Lord William bentick
C. Lord Warren hastings
D. Lord Chelmsford

Q.5.The distribution of powers between the centre and states in the Indian Constitution is based on the scheme provided in the
A. Morley minto reforms 1909
B. Montagu chelmsford act 1919
C. Govt of india act 1935
D. Indian independence act 1947

Q.6. Which schedule of the Constitution of India contains special provision for the administration and control of Scheduled Areas in several States.
A. Third
B. Fifth
C. Seventh
D. Ninth

Q.7. In India the first municipal corporation was set up in which one among the following.
A. Calcutta
B. Madras
C. Bombay
D. Delhi

Q.8. Department of Border Management is a department of which one of the following Union Ministries?
A. Ministry of defence
B. Ministry of Home Affairs
C. Ministry of shipping road transport and highways
D. Ministry of Environment and Forest

Q.9. Who was the speaker of first Lok Sabha Sabha?
A. Hukum singh
B. Gv Mavlankar
C. Km munshi
D. U. N Dhebar

Q.10. The term of Lok Sabha

A. Cannot be extended under any circumstances
B. Can be extended by 6 months at a time
C.Can be extended by 1 year at a time time year at a time time at a time time during the proclamation of emergency
D. Can be extended for two years at a time during the proclamation of emergency.

Q.11. Parliamentary form of Government is also known as
A. Responsive government
B. Responsible government
C. Federal government
D. Presidential government

Q.12. The minimum age of member of Rajya Sabha is
A. 25
B. 21
C. 30
D. 35

Q.13. The first Indian selected for Indian Civil Services was
A. Surendra Nath Banerjee
B. Sarojini Naidu
C. Lala Lajpat Rai
D. CR Das

Q.14. Some feature is common to the following bodies,Supreme Court, Election Commission, UPSC office of CAG. FInd it Out
A. They are advisory bodiesbodies
B. They are extra constitutional bodies
C. They are controlled by legislature
D. They are constitutional bodies

Q.15. Which writ is issued by High Court or the supreme court to compel an authority to perform a function that it was not performing.

A. Writ of Certiorari
B. Writ of Habeas corpus
C. Writ of Mandamus
D. Writ of Quo Warranto

Q.16. Fabianism is closely related to
A. Fascism
B. Scientific socialism
C. Democratic socialism
D. Liberalism

Q.17. On September 20 1932 Mahatma Gandhi began a fast unto death in Yerwada jail against
A. British repression of the satyagrahi
B. violation of the Gandhi Irwin pact
C. communal award of ram say McDonalds
D. communal riots in Calcutta

Q.18. The Institution of Lokayukta was created for the first time by the state of
A. Orrissa
B. Bihar
C. Punjab
D. Maharashtra

Q.19. Central Vigilance Commission was set up on the Recommendation of
A. Administrative Reforms Commission of India
B. Gorwala report
C. Kripalani committee
D. Santhanam committee

Q.20. The Governor General of Bengal became the Governor General of India by

A. Pitts India act of 1864.
B. Charter act of 1833
C. Indian council act of 1861
D. Govt of India act 1935


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