Thursday 14 July 2016


Q.1. Vardhaman Mahavira was .............. Trithankara Of the Jain tradition

Q.2. Vardhaman Mahavira was Born at ...............

Q.3. The first Jain Council was held at 
A. Vaishali
B. Sarnath
C. Patliputra
D. Kushinagar

Q.4. The first Buddhist Council was held at 
A. Patliputra
B. Sarnath
C. Vaishali
D. Rajgriha

Q.5. Mahayana -Buddhism Came into existence in the 
A. First buddhist council
B. Second buddhist council
C. Third buddhist council
D. Fourth Buddhist council

Q.6. Buddhist Texts -Tripitakas were written in the Language of :
A. Sanskrit
B. Prakrit
C. Pali
D. All of the above

Q.7. The final Compilation of the Jain Litreture was Called 
A. Jina
B. Keval jnana
C. Dvija
D. Angas

Q.8. King Prasenjit was the Famous Ruler of 
A. Kosala
B. Avanti
C. Vatsa
D. Magadha

Q.9. Which Ruler shifted the Capital of Magadha from Rajgriha to Patliputra.
A. Ajatshatru
B. Udayin
C. Bimbisara
D. Prasenjit

Q.10. Haryanka Dynasty was Suceeded by 
A. Mauryas
B. Sisunagas
C. Nandas
D. Guptas

Q.11. The Last Ruler of Nanda Dynasty Was
A. Mahapadma Nanda
B. Brihadratha
C. Agnimitra
D. Dhana Nanda

Q.12. Battle of Hydaspes was Fought at the Bank of River.........
A. Beas
B. Indus
C. Jhelum
D. Chenab

Q.13. Alexander Died in 323 BC at ...........
A. Macedonia
B. Babylon
C. Egypt
D. Greece

Q.14. The inscriptions of Asoka were First Deciphered in 1837 by............
A. Williams Princep
B. James Princep
C. Charles Princep
D. John Princep

Q.15.  The details of Asoka war with Kalinga is Given in the 
A. XI Rock Edict
B. Pillar Edict VII
C. Saranath Pillar
D. XIII Rock Edict

Q.16. Which Mauryan Ruler was  called as Amitragatha By Greeks.
A. Chandragupta Maurya
B. Asoka
C. Bindusara
D. Brihadratha

Q.17. Asoka embraced Buddhism under the influence of Buddhist Monk..........
A. Bhadrabhagu
B. Upagupta
C. Sthlabahu
D. Ashvagosha

Q.18. The Kalinga War was Held in
A. 271 BC
B. 263 BC
C. 261 BC
D. 273 BC

Q.19. Third Buddhist Council was Convened by 
A. Brihadratha
B. Chandra Gupta Maurya
C. Bindusara
D. Asoka

Q.20. Who was the Last Mauryan King
A. Agnimitra
B. Brihadratha
C. Vasumitra
D. Kunala

Q.21. In the Mauryan Empire,  the "Samharta" was -
A. Civil Servant fir administration
B. Commander in chief
C. Chief of Revenue Dept
D. Chief Justice

Q.22. In the Mauryan Empire, the District administration was under  the 
A. Rajukas
B. Amatyas
C. Yuktas
D. Mahamatyas

Q.23. Who was the Last Sunga Ruler.
A. Vasudeva
B. Agnimitra
C. Devabhuti
D. Vasumitra

Q.24. Gathasaptasati -Famous book written by which Satvahana Ruler
A. Simuka
B. Gautamiputra satkarni
C. Hala
D. Krishna

Q.25. Who was the founder of Satvahana Dynasty.
A. Sri satkarni
B. Simuka
C. Gautamiputra satkarni
D. Hala

Q.26. Who among thw Following Erected the Garuda pillar at Besnagar.
A. Herodotus
B. Heliodorus
C. Megasthenes
D. Mogas


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