Saturday 9 July 2016


Q.1. A fuse wire is made of .....................
A.An alloy of tin and copper
B.An alloy of tin and lead
C.An alloy of tin and aluminium
D.An alloy of nickel and chromium

Q.2. The permanent magnet can be made from
A. Cobalt
B. Aluminium
C. Zinc
D. Lead

Q.3. The most suitable unit for expressing nuclear radius is:
A. Micron
B. Nanometre
C. Fermi
D. Angstrom

Q.4. The waves relevant to telecommunications are :
A. Visible light
B.  Infrared
C. Ultraviolet
D. Microwave

Q.5. The positive charge carriers in semiconductor are
A. Positive ions
B. Holes
C. Positrons
D. Protons

Q.6. A diode can be used for:
A. Amplification
B. Modulation
C. Detection
D. Rectification

Q.7. The expected energy of the electron at absolute zero is called
A. Fermi energy
B. Emission energy
C. Work function
D. Potential energy

Q.8. Direct conversion of solar energy with the use of photovoltaic cell results in the production of :
A. Optical energy
B. Electrical energy
C. Thermal energy
D. Mechnical energy

Q.9.In a nuclear reactor, cadmium rods are used to
A. Speed up neutrons
B. Slow down neutrons
C. Absorb neutrons
D. Produce neutrons

Q.10. What is the order of magnitude of electric resistance of the human body(dry)?
A.10^2 ohm
B.10^4 ohm
C.10^6 ohm
D.10^8 ohm

Q.11. Energy generation in stars is mainly due to
A. Chemical reaction
B. Fission of heavy nuclei
C. Fusion of light nuclei
D. Fusion of heavy nuclei

Q.11. The working principle  of a washing machine is :
A. Centrifugation
B. Dialysis
C. Reverse osmosis
D. Diffusion

Q.12. A substance which radiates light when heated to a light temperature is said to be
B. Fluorescent
C. Incandescent
D. Phosphorescent

Q.13. When there are no external forces the shape of a liquid drop is determined by :
A. Surface tension of the liquid
B. Density of the liquid
C. Viscosity of air
D. Temperature of air

Q.14. X-rays were discovered by :
A. Becquere
B. Van lane
C. Curie
D. Roentgen

Q.15. The coil of an electric heater is made of
A. Nichrome
B. Tungsten
C. Aluminium
D. Manganin

Q.16. In which one of the following is the speed of sound maximum?
A. Air at 0 degree C
B. Air at 100 degree C
C. Water
D. Wood

Q.17. The dual nature of light is exhibited by :
A. Photoelectric effect
B. Refraction and interference
C. Diffraction and reflection
D. Diffraction and photoelectric effect

Q.18. Electromotive force is most closely related to :
A. Electric field
B. Magnetic field
C. Mechnical force
D. Potential difference

Q.19. Which of the following is not a transducer
A. Loudspeaker
B. Amplifier
C. Microphone
D. All of these

Q.20. The fusion of hydrogen into helium is more likely to take place
A. At low temperature and high pressure
B. At high temperature and high pressure
C. At high temperature and low pressure
D. At low pressure and low temperature

Q.21. In summer,the mirages are seen due to the phemomenon of
A. Total internal reflection
B. Reflection of light
C. Diffraction of light
D. Interference of light

Q.22. One light year is approximately equal to :
A.10^11 km
B. 10^15 m
C. 10^16 m
D. 10^16 km

Q.23. Candella is a unit of
A. Acoustic intensity
B. Electric intensity
C. Magnetic intensity
D. Luminous intensity

Q.24. Metals are good conductor of heat than insulator because
A. They have reflecting surface
B. Their atoms are relatively apart
C. They contain free electron
D. none of these

Q.25. Strong magnetic field is applied on a stationary electron, then the electron :
A. Moves in the direction of the field
B. Moves opposite to the field
C. Starts spinning
D. Remains stationary


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