Wednesday 29 June 2016


Q.1 Which of the following causes itai- itai disease??
a) Cadmium
b) Cobalt
c) Copper
d) Chromium

Q.2 Supersonic jets causes pollution by thinning :
a) O3 Layer
b) O2 Layer
c) SO2 Layer
d) CO2 Layer

Q.3 Galvanization of iron is carried out by using
a) Zinc
b) Copper
c) Tin
d) Chromium

Q.4 Which of the following substance is highly plastic
a) Quartz
b) Mica
c) Garnite
d) clay

Q.5 One of the constituents of tear gas is 
a) Ethane
b) Ethanol
c) Ether
d) Chloropicrin

Q.6 Name of first cloned sheep
a) Molly
b) Dolly
c) Jolly
d) Roly

Q.7 LAC, Used as sealing wax is produced by
a) Stem
b) Root
c) Insect
d) Bird

Q.8 Respiration is
a) Oxidation
b) Reduction
c) Hydrolysis
d) Animation

Q.9 Time period of a seconds pendulum is
a) 1 sec
b) 2 sec
c) .5 sec
d) 1.5 sec

Q.10 In MRI machine, Which  of the following is used :
a) Sound wave
b) X-Ray
c) Ultra sound wave
d) Magnetic wave

Q.11 Sound Produced by Bat is 
a) Audible
b) Subsonic
c) Infrasonic
d) Ultrasonic

Q.12 Mirage is Example of
a) Interference
b) Dispersion
c) Diffraction
d) Total Internal Reflection

Q.13 Ethanol containing 5% water is called
a) Rectified spirit
b) Denatured spirit
c) Methylated sporit
d) Power alcohol

Q.14 Detergents work on the principle of
a) Viscosity
b) Surface tension
c) Elasticity
d) Floatation

Q.15 Ripe Grapes Contains
a) Fructose
b) Sucrose
c) Galactose
d) Glucose

Q.16. TB is Caused By
a) Mycobacterium
b) Aspergillus
c) Virus
d) HIV

Q.17 Sea water can be purified by
a) Distillation
b) Evaporation
c) Filtration
d) Fractional distillation

Q.18 Scientist who first sent electromagnetic waves to distant places was
a) Maxwell
b) Hertz
c) Edison
d) JL baird

Q.19 Solar cells works on
a) Photovoltaic effect
b) Photoelectric
c) Photoconductive
d) Photoinduction

Q.20. Columba livia is scientific Name of
a) Piegon
b) Snake
c) Rabbit
d) Shark

Credit : Vikram Swaroop

20. a
19. a
18. c
17. a
16. a
15. a
14. b
13. a
12. b
11. d
10. d
9. b
8. c
7. c
6. b
5. d
4. d
3. a
2. a
1. a


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