Thursday 14 July 2016


1. The total number of members in the Legislative Council of a State cannot exceed :
A. One-fourth of the total number of members in the Legislative Assembly
B. One-third of the total number of members in the Legislative Assembly
C. One-sixth of the total number of members in the Legislative Assembly
D. No such limit has been fixed

2. The total number of members of the Legislative Council can in no case be less than :
A. 40
B. 50
C. 60
D. No minimum strength has been fixed

3. Procedure for creation of Legislative Council in States has been described in which Article of the Constitution ?
A. Article 69
B. Article 169
C. Article 269
D. Article 369

4. The members of the Legislative Council are appointed through
1. Birect elections.
2. Indirect elections.
3. Nomination.
A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 1. 2 and 3
D. 1 and 3

5. Which of the following State can nominate two women members to the Legislative Assembly ?
A. Himachal Pradesh
B. Kerala
C. Jammu and Kashmir
D. Uttar Pradesh

6. The parliament works through committees which
A. help the government in the formulation of policy
B. exercise effective control over government on a regular and continuing basis
C. ensure that the parliament strictly adheres to the provision of the
constitution and the prescribed parliamentary procedure
D. both (a) and (b)

7. Which one of the following is the largest Committee of the Parliament?
A. The Public Accounts Committee
B. The Estimates Committee
C. The Committee on Public Undertakings
D. The Committee on Petitions

8. Which provision of the Fundamental Rights is directly related to the exploitation of children ?
A. Article 17
B. Article 19
C. Article 23
D. Article 24

9. Which of the following is a bulwark of personal freedom?
A. Mandamus
B. Habeas Corpus
C. Quo Warranto
D. Certiorari

10. By which Amendment Act the Fundamental Duties of Citizen are included in Indian Constitution ?
A. 42nd Amendment Act
B. 44th Amendment Act
C. 56th Amendment Act
D. 73rd Amendment Act

11. An accused of an offence cannot be compelled to be a witness against himself, which article of Indian Constitution provides for this ?
A. Article 20
B. Article 21
C. Article 22
D. Article 74

12. The Montague-Chelmsford Report formed the basis of:
A. The Indian Council Act, 1909
B. The Government of India Act, 1919
C. The Government of India Act, 1935
D. The Indian Independence Act, 1947

13. Which of the following acts introduced communal electorate in India ?
A. Indian Council Act, 1861
B. Indian Council Act, 1892
C. Indian Council Act, 1909
D. Government of India Act, 1935

14. Through which one of the following were commercial activities of the East India Company finally put to an end ?
A. The Charter Act of 1793
B. The Charter Act of 1813
C. The Charter Act of 1833
D. The Charter Act of 1853

15. The Supreme Court of India was set up by the ?
A. Regulating Act, 1773
B. Pitt’s India Act, 1784
C. Charter Act, 1813
D. Charter Act, 1833

16 . The number of members included in the Constitution Drafting Committee was ?
A. Seven
B. Nine
C. Eleven
D. Thirteen

17. How many times the President of India can seek re-election to his post?
A. Once
B. 2 times
C. 3 times
D. Any number of times

18. Who is authorized to transfer the judges of one High Court to another High Court?
A. The president
B. The Chief Justice of India
C. A collegium of judges of the Supreme Court
D. The Law Minister

19. How many sessions of the Indian Constituent Assembly were conducted for the formulation of Indian constitution? 
A. 7
B. 11
C. 12
D. 15

20. .Which of the following are judicial powers of the President of India?
I. He appoints the Chief Justice and other judges of Supreme Court
II. He can remove the judges of the Supreme Court on grounds of misconduct
III. He can consult the Supreme Court on any question law or fact which is of public importance
IV He can grant pardon, reprieves and respites to persons
A. I, II, IV
B.  I, III, IV

21. .Under our Constitution the President is
A. Obliged to seek the advice of the Council of Minister but is not bound to follow it
B. Obliged to accept the advice of the Council of Ministers
C. Not obliged to seek or accept the advice of the Council of Ministers
D. Obliged to seek the advice of the Council of Minister under certain circumstances only

22. .By which Constitutional Amendment Act  was Article 19 amended to impose restrictions on the freedom of expression ?
A. 16th Constitutional Amend-ment Act 1963
B. 19th Constitutional Amend-ment Act 1966
C. 15th Constitutional Amend-ment Act 1963
D. 14th Constitutional Amend-ment Act 1962

23. The ideal of justice as enshrined in the preamble to the Constitution of India has been taken from
A. Irish Constitution
B. Russian Constitution
C. Japanese Constitution
D. Canadian Constitution


Q.1. Vardhaman Mahavira was .............. Trithankara Of the Jain tradition

Q.2. Vardhaman Mahavira was Born at ...............

Q.3. The first Jain Council was held at 
A. Vaishali
B. Sarnath
C. Patliputra
D. Kushinagar

Q.4. The first Buddhist Council was held at 
A. Patliputra
B. Sarnath
C. Vaishali
D. Rajgriha

Q.5. Mahayana -Buddhism Came into existence in the 
A. First buddhist council
B. Second buddhist council
C. Third buddhist council
D. Fourth Buddhist council

Q.6. Buddhist Texts -Tripitakas were written in the Language of :
A. Sanskrit
B. Prakrit
C. Pali
D. All of the above

Q.7. The final Compilation of the Jain Litreture was Called 
A. Jina
B. Keval jnana
C. Dvija
D. Angas

Q.8. King Prasenjit was the Famous Ruler of 
A. Kosala
B. Avanti
C. Vatsa
D. Magadha

Q.9. Which Ruler shifted the Capital of Magadha from Rajgriha to Patliputra.
A. Ajatshatru
B. Udayin
C. Bimbisara
D. Prasenjit

Q.10. Haryanka Dynasty was Suceeded by 
A. Mauryas
B. Sisunagas
C. Nandas
D. Guptas

Q.11. The Last Ruler of Nanda Dynasty Was
A. Mahapadma Nanda
B. Brihadratha
C. Agnimitra
D. Dhana Nanda

Q.12. Battle of Hydaspes was Fought at the Bank of River.........
A. Beas
B. Indus
C. Jhelum
D. Chenab

Q.13. Alexander Died in 323 BC at ...........
A. Macedonia
B. Babylon
C. Egypt
D. Greece

Q.14. The inscriptions of Asoka were First Deciphered in 1837 by............
A. Williams Princep
B. James Princep
C. Charles Princep
D. John Princep

Q.15.  The details of Asoka war with Kalinga is Given in the 
A. XI Rock Edict
B. Pillar Edict VII
C. Saranath Pillar
D. XIII Rock Edict

Q.16. Which Mauryan Ruler was  called as Amitragatha By Greeks.
A. Chandragupta Maurya
B. Asoka
C. Bindusara
D. Brihadratha

Q.17. Asoka embraced Buddhism under the influence of Buddhist Monk..........
A. Bhadrabhagu
B. Upagupta
C. Sthlabahu
D. Ashvagosha

Q.18. The Kalinga War was Held in
A. 271 BC
B. 263 BC
C. 261 BC
D. 273 BC

Q.19. Third Buddhist Council was Convened by 
A. Brihadratha
B. Chandra Gupta Maurya
C. Bindusara
D. Asoka

Q.20. Who was the Last Mauryan King
A. Agnimitra
B. Brihadratha
C. Vasumitra
D. Kunala

Q.21. In the Mauryan Empire,  the "Samharta" was -
A. Civil Servant fir administration
B. Commander in chief
C. Chief of Revenue Dept
D. Chief Justice

Q.22. In the Mauryan Empire, the District administration was under  the 
A. Rajukas
B. Amatyas
C. Yuktas
D. Mahamatyas

Q.23. Who was the Last Sunga Ruler.
A. Vasudeva
B. Agnimitra
C. Devabhuti
D. Vasumitra

Q.24. Gathasaptasati -Famous book written by which Satvahana Ruler
A. Simuka
B. Gautamiputra satkarni
C. Hala
D. Krishna

Q.25. Who was the founder of Satvahana Dynasty.
A. Sri satkarni
B. Simuka
C. Gautamiputra satkarni
D. Hala

Q.26. Who among thw Following Erected the Garuda pillar at Besnagar.
A. Herodotus
B. Heliodorus
C. Megasthenes
D. Mogas

Monday 11 July 2016


Q.1. Quality of petrol is expressed in terms of
A. Cetane no
B. Gold no
C. Octane no
D. Added unlead compounds

Q.2. Nylon is made up of
A. Polyamide
B. Polyster
C. Polyethene
D. Propene

Q.3. A thick paste of cement, sand, and water is
A. Concrete
B. R.C.C
C. Mortar
D. Kiln

Q.4. Most electronegative element is
A. Fluorine
B. Sodium
C. Chlorine
D. Oxygen

Q.5. Which of the following does not contain silver
A. Ruby silver
B. Lunar caustic
C. German silver
D. Horn silver

Q.6. Which is a natural colloid -
A. Sodium chloride
B. Urea
C. Cane sugar
D. Blood

Q.7. Heavy water is 
A. Deuterium oxide (D2O)
B. Protium Oxide
C. Tritium Oxide
D. None

Q.8. Element of atomic no 29 belongs to
A. S block
B. D block
C. P block
D. F block

Q.9. In a period from Li to F, Ionisation potential
A. Cannot b predicted
B. Increases
C. Decreases
D. Remains same

Q.10. Antiseptic compound present in Dettol is
A. Iodine
B. Enloroxylenol
C. Biothional
D. Cresol

Q.11.Which one of the following has greatest mass
A. Electron
B. Proton
C. Neutron
D. Hydrogen nucleus

Q.12. Percentage of Nitrogen present in Ammonium Sulphate is
A. 27
B. 25
C. 30.5
D. 18

Q.13. Nitrogen is Essential Constituent of all
A. Fats
B. Proteins
C. Vitamins
D. Carbohydrates

Q.14. Element 106 was discovered by
A. Rutherford
B. Seaborg
C. Lawrence
D. Einstein

Q.15. Hard and Soft water can be distinguished by using
A. Dilute acid
B. Ordinary soap
C. Detergent
D. Liquid soap

Q.16. Silicon is a
A. Semiconductor
B. Insulator
C. Non conductor
D. Conductor

Q.17. Second largest component in milk is
A. Fat
B. Minerals
C. Water
D. Sugar

Q.18. Hottest part of gas flame is called
A. Blue zone
B. Non luminous zone
C. Luminous zone
D. Hot zone

Q.19. Unit to measure the flow of water is
A. Micro mho
B. Ohm meter
C. Milli curie
D. Cusecs

Q.20. Benzene cannot undergo
A. Substitutiin
B. Addition
C. Elimination
D. Oxidation

Saturday 9 July 2016

Thursday 7 July 2016


Q.1. Edible part of Cabbage is
B.Condensed flower
C.Vegetative bud

Q.2. Element rich in most leafy vegetables is

Q.3.Poison of honey bee is

Q.4.Sleeping sickness  is caused by
A.Fusi fly
B.Mascus fly
C.Tse- tse fly
D.Ste-ste fly

Q.5.Bt seed is associated with
D.Oil seed

Q.6. Which part becomes modified as the tusk of an elephant
C.Second incisor

Q.7.Commercial Vaseline is derived from
A.Plant gums
B.Coal tar
C.Wool wax

Q.8.Bone Ash contains
A.Calcium sulphate
B.Phosphoric sulphate
C.Calcium Phoshate

Q.9 Iron ore containing 72% Iron is

Q.10. Which of the following contains high content of lead
B.Cooking gas
C.High octane fuel
D.Low octane fuel

Q.11. Which One of the Following is example of semiconductor
A.German silver

Q.12. Which Noble gas is used in radiotherapy

Q.13.White phosphorus is always kept under

Q.14.Loudness of sound depends upon

Q.15.Farad is the Unit of :

Q.16 Magnetic keepers are pieces of
D.Soft iron

Q.17.Minimum Escape velocity of a rocket to be launched into space is
A.5 km/s
B.6 Km/s
C.11 Km/s
D.15 Km/s

Q.18.Which type of coal produces more heat per unit ?

Q.19.Cod is a Variety of

Q.20.Sodium pump operates in
A.Muscle contraction
B.Heart beat
C.Nerve impulse


Q.1. The longest river of Peninsular India is

Q.2. Convectional rainfall occurs in
A.Equatorial region
B.Temperate region
C.Tropical region
D.Polar region

Q.3. Clear Nights are colder than cloudy nights because of

Q.4. Match the dams and the states in which they are situated
      Dam.                                       State
A. Tungabhadra.                1) Kerala
B. Lower Bhawani.             2) Andhra pradesh
C. Idukki.                          3) Tamil NADU
D. Nagarjuna Sagar.           4) Karnataka

1. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1
2. A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1
3. A-4 , B-3, C-1, D-2
4. A.1, B-4, C-2, D-3

Q.5. Darwin finches refers to a group of of
A fishes

Q.6. Speed of sound is greatest in
A. Water
B. Air
C. Glass

Q.7. Which from the following territories does not have a border with Mizoram.

Q.8. Which of the following is not correctly matched with regard to Project Tiger Reserves
A.Sariska - Alwar

Q.9. Trade winds blow from from the
A.equatorial low pressure
B.polar high pressure
C.Sub tropical high pressure
D.Sub Polar pressure

Q.10. In which state is Jawahar Tunnel located 
A.Himachal Pradesh
B. Jammu Kashmir

Q.11. Where is the India's first submarine Museum located

Q.12. The deepest trench of the world the Mariana trench is located in the
A.Indian sea
B.Atlantic Ocean
C.Arctic Ocean
D.Pacific Ocean

Q.13. Which of the following is a land locked the sea :
A. Timor sea
B. Arafura sea
C. Greenland Sea
D.Aral Sea

Q.14. Which among the following is a Martial dance.
A. Kathakali
B.Bamboo Dance of Meghalaya
C.Chhau Of Mayurbhanj
D.Bhangra of Punjab

Q.15.  Which of the following is not correctly matched regard to thermal power plant projects
A.Ramagundam- Telangana
B.Korba - Uttar pradesh
C.Talcher - Odisha

Q.16. Sundarbans of Eastern India is an example of
A.Forest Ecosystem
B.Mangrove Ecosystem
C. Grassland Ecosystem
D.Marine Ecosystem

Q.17. Match the dams and the states in which they are situated
      Dam.                                       State
A. Hirakud.                            1) Chhatisgarh
B. Mettur.                              2) Orrisa
C. Mahanadi                         3) Karnataka
D. Almatti.                             4) Tamilnadu
1. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1
2. A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3
3. A-4 , B-3, C-1, D-2
4. A.1, B-4, C-2, D-3

Q.18. Which one of the following is the highest gravity dam in the world
A. Beas Dam
B.Tungabhadra Dam
C.Bhakra Dam.
D. Hirakud Dam

Q.19. "Climate is extreme, rainfall is scanty and the people use to be Nomadic herders" for which region is the statement correct.
A. African Savanna
B. Central Asian Steppes
C.Siberian Tundra
D.North American Prairies

Q.20. Which variety of coal contains recognisable traces of original plant material
C Bituminous

Q.21. In India Dugong Sea cow is found in the bio-reserve site of
A. Gulf of Mannar
B. Nokrek
C. Manas
D. Sundarban

Q.22. Which one of the following National Park is the climate that varies from tropical Tu subtropical temperate and Arctic.
A. Khangchenzonga National Park
B.Nanda devi National Park
C. Neora Valley National parks
D. Namdapha National Park

Q.23. In India the steel production industry requires the import of 
B.Rock phosphate
C.Coking coal
D.all of the above above

Q.24. In the Mekong Ganga cooperation and initiative of 6 countries which of the following is not a participant

Q.25.Tides Occurs in the oceans and seas due to which among the following
1.Gravitational force of the Sun Sun the Sun
2.Gravitational force of the Moon
3.Centrifugal force of the the earth
Select the answer using the code given below
A. 1 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C.1 and 3 only
D.1, 2 and 3

Q.26. Kalamkari painting refers to
A. A hand painted cotton textile in south India
B. A handmade drawing on bamboo Handicrafts in northeast India
C. A block painted woolen cloth in western western Himalayan region of India
D. A hand painted decorative Silk cloth in North Western India

Q.27. Which of the following has / have have been accorded geographical indication status
1.Banaras brocades and sarees
2.Rajasthan Dal Bati Churma
3.Tirupati laddu
Select the correct answer using the code given Below
A. 1 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C. 1 and 3 only
D. 1, 2 and 3

Q.28. The term Isoneph indicates the lines of equal

Q.29.Why are Winters more severe in Southern Hemisphere than in Northern Hemisphere.
A. Earth is tilted in the Northern Hemisphere
B. Northern Hemisphere Recieves More Sunlight
C. Because of more Iceberg in Southen Hemisphere
D. Southern Hemisphere is Less Inhabited

Q.30.What is the Longest Irrigation Canal in India Called.
A. Yamuna Canal
B. Indira Gandhi Canal
C, Upper Bari Doab Canal
D. Sirhand Canal

Sunday 3 July 2016


Q.1.The Supreme Court of India, enunciated the doctrine of `Basic structure of the Constitution in
A.Golaknath case in 1967
B.Sajjan Singh case in 1965
C.Shakari Prasad case in 1951
D.Keshvanand Bharati case in 1973

Q.2 The Constitution deals with the citizenship from Article 5 to 11 under—
(A)Part III
(B)Part II
(C)Part IV
(D)Part V

Q.3. How many members are nominated to the State Legislative Council by the Governor?
(a) One-third
(b) One-twelfth
(c) One-eighth
(d) One-sixth

Q.4. Which of the following are true of the Contingency Fund of India.
1. It was created under the provisions of Article 267.
2. It was created in 1951.
3. It is held by the Finance Secretary on behalf of the President.
4. Its amount will be determined by the President.
(a) 1 and 3
(b) 1, 3 and 4
(c) 2, 3 and 4
(d) 3 and 4

Q.5. Which of the following Cabinet Committees is not chaired by the Prime Minister?
(a) Political Affairs Committee
(b) Appointments Committee
(c) Committee on Parliamentary Affairs
(d) Economic Affairs Committee

Q.6. The Rajya Sabha has equal powers with the Lok Sabha
A.In the matter of creating New All India Services
B.In amending the Constitution
C.In the removal of Government
D.In making cut motions

Q.7. Under which Article of the Constitution of India can the President of India be impeached?

Q.8. Sarkaria Commission was concerned with
A.Judicial Reforms
B.Electoral Reforms
C.Centre-State relations
D.Financial Reforms

Q.9.Panchyati Raj is organised at the—
(A) Block level
(B) Village and block level
(C) Village, block and district level
(D) Village, block, district and state level

Q.10. Consider the following statements—
1. The design of the National flag of India was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 22nd July, 1947.
2. The National Anthem was first sung on 27th December, 1911 at the Calcutta Session of Indian National Congress.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
(A) 1 only
(B) 2 only
(C) Both 1 and 2
(D) Neither 1 nor 2

Q.11. Which of the following categories of Rights does the Right to property belong?
A.Legal Right
B.Fundamental Right
C.Human Right
D.Natural Right

Q.12.Who nominates the Chairman of the Public Account Committee of Indian Parliament?
A.The Prime Minister
B.The President
C.The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
D.The Chairman of the Rajya Sabha

Q.13.In which of the following case/s the six rights guaranteed by article 19 can be suspended?
1. External Aggression.
2. Internal Emergency.
3. When Martial Law is in force.
A. 1 only.
B. 2 & 3 only.
C. 1 & 3 only.
D. 1, 2 & 3

Q.14.The Fundamental duties of Indian citizens have been
A. Originally provided by the Constitution
B. Included in the Constitution by the 44th Amendment
C. Included in the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment
D. Inserted into the Constitution by a judgement of the Supreme Court

Q.15.Rajya Sabha can delay the Finance Bill sent for its consideration by the Lok Sabha for a maximum period of—
(A) One month
(B) One year
(C) Seven days
(D) Fourteen days

Q.16.Who among the following is the Chairman of the Steering Committee to oversee the functions of the National Authority Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) ?
(A) The President
(B) The Prime Minister
(C) The National Security Adviser
(D) The Cabinet Secretary

Q.17. Who has been the only Lok Sabha Speaker to have become the President of India ?
(A) Gyani Zail Singh
(B) V. V. Giri
(C) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy
(D) K. R. Narayanan

Q.18. Panchayats at the intermediate level may not be constituted in a state, having a population less than—
(A) Ten Lakhs
(B) Fifteen Lakhs
(C) Twenty Lakhs
(D) Twenty five Lakhs

Q.19. The Parliament can make law for the whole or any part of India for implementing international treaties—
(A) With the consent of all the states
(B) With the consent of majority of states
(C) With the consent of states conerned
(D) Without the consent of any state

Q.20.Who is known as the First Law Officer of India ?
(A) Chief Justice of India
(B) Law Minister of India
(C) Attorney General of India
(D) Law Secretary