Wednesday 29 June 2016


Q.1 The Grand Canyon is located on the :
a) Colorado River
b) Rhine River
c) Tapi River
d) Niger River

Q.2 Match List I and List II and find out the correct answer from the codes given Below 

Lists1 : Thermal power plants

List 2: Locations

1. Westbengal
2. Bihar
4.Andhra Pradesh

1) a-1 , b-2, c-3, d-4
2) a-4, b-3, c-1, d-2
3) a-2, b-1, c-4, d-3
4) a-3, b-2 , c-1,d-4

Q.3 The Savanna Finds its ideal conditions of growth in :
a) mild and humid climate
b) dry summer and wet winter climate
c) hot humid climate with long dry season
d) hot summer and cool winter

Q.4 Where are most of the Earth's active volcanoes.
a) Europe
b) Pacific Ocean
c) Africa
d) South America

Q.5 The deflection of the winds to the right in the northern hemisphere is caused by 
a) revolution of the earth
b) rotation of the earth
c) uneven heating of the earth.
d) All of the Above

Q.6 Match List I and List II and find out the correct answer from the codes given Below 

Lists1 : Cottage industrial products
a)Silk Saree

List 2: Locations

1. Moradabad
2. Gorakhpur
4. Lucknow

1) a-1 , b-2, c-3, d-4
2) a-3, b-4, c-2, d-1
3) a-2, b-1, c-4, d-3
4) a-3, b-2 , c-1,d-4

Q.7 A rare and endangered animal in silent Valley is:
a) Musk deer
b) Tiger
c)Lion -tailed macaque
d) Rhinoceros

Q.8 What is Obra known for 
a) A Refinery
b) An Aluminium Plant
c)a Bird Sanctuary
d) a Thermal power Station

Q.9 Sambhar salt lake is situated in 
a) Himachal Pradesh
b) Karnataka
c) Madhya Pradesh
d) Rajasthan

Q.10  Galena is a Mineral of 
a) Iron
b) gold
c) Lead
d) Calcium

Q.11 Where in India can Mushroom Rock Found
a) Eastern Ghats
b) Western Ghats
c) Thar Desert
d) Satpura Range

Q.12. Which one of the following does not form Part of Narmada Basin ??
a) Madhya Pradesh
b) Rajasthan
c) Gujarat
d) Maharshtra

Q.13 Who coined therm Geography .
a) Ptolemy
b) Eratosthenese
c) Hacatus
d) Herodotus

Q.14 Which of the following is called the ecological hotspot of India?
a) Western Ghats
b) Eastern Ghats
c) Western Himalayas
d) Eastern himalayas

Q. 15 The Art and Science of Map Making is called 
a) Remote sensing
b) Photo Grammetery
c) Mapping
d) Cartography

Q.16. The age of the Earth can be determined by :
a) Geological time scale
b) Radio Metric dating
c) Gravity Method
d) Fossilization Method

Q.17.Chewing Gumm is Made from :
a) Resin
b) Tannin
d) Gum

Q.18 Manas Santuary in Assam is Famous  for 
a) Elephants
b) Bears
c) Tigers
d) Wild Ass

Q.19 Atacama Desert is located in Which Continent
a) Africa
b)South America
c)North America

Q.20 Who discovered North Pole ?
a) Amundson
b) Robert Peary
c) John Cobot
d) Captain Cook

20. b
19. b
18. a
17. c
16. b
15. d
14. a
13. b
12. b
11. c
10. c
9. d
8. d (In Sonbhadra District of UP)
7. c
6. c
5. b
4. b
3. c
2. c
1. a

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