Thursday 30 June 2016


Q.1.Babar entered India for the first time through
A. Sind
B. Punjab
C. Kashmir
D. Rajasthan

Q.2.The temples of Khajuraho were built by

Q.3.The Civil services in India was established by
A. Lord Rippon
B. Lord Dalhousie
C. Lord William Bentick
D. Lord Cornwallis

Q.4.The leader of the Young Bengal Movement was
A.Dwarkanath Tagore
B.Chandrashekhar Deb
C.Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
D.Henry Vivian Derozio

Q.5. Indian Constitution was amended for the first time in

Q.6.The Pagodas at Mahabalipuram had been constructed by _?
(a) Cholas
(b) Chalukyas of Kalyani
(c) Pallavas
(d) Pandyas

Q.7.Which among the following is the hallmark feature of the Dravida style of temple architecture?
(a) Shikhara
(b) Gopuram
(c) Vimana
(d) Mandapa

Q.8.Which among the following is known as the earliest example of Panchayatana style of temple?
(a) Dashavatara temple at Deogarh
(b) Temple at Pathari
(c) Shatrughneshwara temple at Bhubaneshwar
(d) Lakshmana temple at Sirpur

Q.9. Which one of the following is the earliest school of Indian philosophy?
1) Vaisesika
2) Samkhya
3) Yoga
4) Karma mimamsa

Q.10.The Puranas are ........ in number.
1) 18
2) 25
3) 52
4) 108

Q.11. In the Vedic Society, the term used to denote a group of families was
1) gotra
2) jana
3) vish
4) grama

Q.12. The tax which the kings used to collect from the people in the Vedic period was called
1) Kara
2) Varman
3) Bali
4) Vidatha

Q.13. In Rig Vedic period, the most important functionary after the king was
1) Purohita
2) Senani
3) Law Officer
4) Tax Collector

Q.14. Codes of conduct of the Vedic Society are laid down in
1) Puranas
2) Vedas
3) Brahmanas
4) Smritis

Q.15.The famous Vedic saying “War begins in the minds of men”, is stated in
1) Rig Veda
2) Atharva Veda
3) Sama Veda
4) Mundaka Upnishad

Q.16.Who was the Viceroy of India when the Rowlatt Act was Passed
(a) Lord Irwin                                
(b) Lord Reading
(c) Lord Chelmsford                      
(d) Lord Wavell

Q.17.Where and when was the Ghadar Party founded?
(a) America, 1913
(b) England, 1917
(c) Denmark, 1921
(d) Scottland, 1925

Q.18.First Indian to used the word ‘Swarajya’
(a) Raja Rammohan Rai                
(b) Mahtma Gandhi
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak                
(d) Swami Vivekanand

Q.19.The first Indian leader to undergo imprisonment
(a) C Vijaraghavachari                    
(b) B G Tilak
(c) Bipin Chandra Pal                    
(d) Dadabhai Noroji

Q.20.First census in India was conducted at the time of
(a) Lord Dufferin                            
(b) Lord Lytton
(c) Lord Auckland                          
(d) Sir John Napier

Q.21.Who first translated Bhagvad Gita to English
(a) William Jones                          
(b) Charles Wilkins
(c) Alexander Cunningham            
(d) John Marshall

Q.22. Which of the following was not one of the distinguished tribes of the later Vedic period?’
1) Videhas
2) Bharatas
3) Panchalas
4) Kurus

Q.23.Of the following kings, who was an ardent follower of Jainism ?
B.Mahapadma Nanda
D.Pulakesin II

Quiz Prepared By Ankush Kumar Rajvanshi


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