Thursday 30 June 2016


Q.1.Babar entered India for the first time through
A. Sind
B. Punjab
C. Kashmir
D. Rajasthan

Q.2.The temples of Khajuraho were built by

Q.3.The Civil services in India was established by
A. Lord Rippon
B. Lord Dalhousie
C. Lord William Bentick
D. Lord Cornwallis

Q.4.The leader of the Young Bengal Movement was
A.Dwarkanath Tagore
B.Chandrashekhar Deb
C.Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
D.Henry Vivian Derozio

Q.5. Indian Constitution was amended for the first time in

Q.6.The Pagodas at Mahabalipuram had been constructed by _?
(a) Cholas
(b) Chalukyas of Kalyani
(c) Pallavas
(d) Pandyas

Q.7.Which among the following is the hallmark feature of the Dravida style of temple architecture?
(a) Shikhara
(b) Gopuram
(c) Vimana
(d) Mandapa

Q.8.Which among the following is known as the earliest example of Panchayatana style of temple?
(a) Dashavatara temple at Deogarh
(b) Temple at Pathari
(c) Shatrughneshwara temple at Bhubaneshwar
(d) Lakshmana temple at Sirpur

Q.9. Which one of the following is the earliest school of Indian philosophy?
1) Vaisesika
2) Samkhya
3) Yoga
4) Karma mimamsa

Q.10.The Puranas are ........ in number.
1) 18
2) 25
3) 52
4) 108

Q.11. In the Vedic Society, the term used to denote a group of families was
1) gotra
2) jana
3) vish
4) grama

Q.12. The tax which the kings used to collect from the people in the Vedic period was called
1) Kara
2) Varman
3) Bali
4) Vidatha

Q.13. In Rig Vedic period, the most important functionary after the king was
1) Purohita
2) Senani
3) Law Officer
4) Tax Collector

Q.14. Codes of conduct of the Vedic Society are laid down in
1) Puranas
2) Vedas
3) Brahmanas
4) Smritis

Q.15.The famous Vedic saying “War begins in the minds of men”, is stated in
1) Rig Veda
2) Atharva Veda
3) Sama Veda
4) Mundaka Upnishad

Q.16.Who was the Viceroy of India when the Rowlatt Act was Passed
(a) Lord Irwin                                
(b) Lord Reading
(c) Lord Chelmsford                      
(d) Lord Wavell

Q.17.Where and when was the Ghadar Party founded?
(a) America, 1913
(b) England, 1917
(c) Denmark, 1921
(d) Scottland, 1925

Q.18.First Indian to used the word ‘Swarajya’
(a) Raja Rammohan Rai                
(b) Mahtma Gandhi
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak                
(d) Swami Vivekanand

Q.19.The first Indian leader to undergo imprisonment
(a) C Vijaraghavachari                    
(b) B G Tilak
(c) Bipin Chandra Pal                    
(d) Dadabhai Noroji

Q.20.First census in India was conducted at the time of
(a) Lord Dufferin                            
(b) Lord Lytton
(c) Lord Auckland                          
(d) Sir John Napier

Q.21.Who first translated Bhagvad Gita to English
(a) William Jones                          
(b) Charles Wilkins
(c) Alexander Cunningham            
(d) John Marshall

Q.22. Which of the following was not one of the distinguished tribes of the later Vedic period?’
1) Videhas
2) Bharatas
3) Panchalas
4) Kurus

Q.23.Of the following kings, who was an ardent follower of Jainism ?
B.Mahapadma Nanda
D.Pulakesin II

Quiz Prepared By Ankush Kumar Rajvanshi

Wednesday 29 June 2016


Q.1 Which of the following causes itai- itai disease??
a) Cadmium
b) Cobalt
c) Copper
d) Chromium

Q.2 Supersonic jets causes pollution by thinning :
a) O3 Layer
b) O2 Layer
c) SO2 Layer
d) CO2 Layer

Q.3 Galvanization of iron is carried out by using
a) Zinc
b) Copper
c) Tin
d) Chromium

Q.4 Which of the following substance is highly plastic
a) Quartz
b) Mica
c) Garnite
d) clay

Q.5 One of the constituents of tear gas is 
a) Ethane
b) Ethanol
c) Ether
d) Chloropicrin

Q.6 Name of first cloned sheep
a) Molly
b) Dolly
c) Jolly
d) Roly

Q.7 LAC, Used as sealing wax is produced by
a) Stem
b) Root
c) Insect
d) Bird

Q.8 Respiration is
a) Oxidation
b) Reduction
c) Hydrolysis
d) Animation

Q.9 Time period of a seconds pendulum is
a) 1 sec
b) 2 sec
c) .5 sec
d) 1.5 sec

Q.10 In MRI machine, Which  of the following is used :
a) Sound wave
b) X-Ray
c) Ultra sound wave
d) Magnetic wave

Q.11 Sound Produced by Bat is 
a) Audible
b) Subsonic
c) Infrasonic
d) Ultrasonic

Q.12 Mirage is Example of
a) Interference
b) Dispersion
c) Diffraction
d) Total Internal Reflection

Q.13 Ethanol containing 5% water is called
a) Rectified spirit
b) Denatured spirit
c) Methylated sporit
d) Power alcohol

Q.14 Detergents work on the principle of
a) Viscosity
b) Surface tension
c) Elasticity
d) Floatation

Q.15 Ripe Grapes Contains
a) Fructose
b) Sucrose
c) Galactose
d) Glucose

Q.16. TB is Caused By
a) Mycobacterium
b) Aspergillus
c) Virus
d) HIV

Q.17 Sea water can be purified by
a) Distillation
b) Evaporation
c) Filtration
d) Fractional distillation

Q.18 Scientist who first sent electromagnetic waves to distant places was
a) Maxwell
b) Hertz
c) Edison
d) JL baird

Q.19 Solar cells works on
a) Photovoltaic effect
b) Photoelectric
c) Photoconductive
d) Photoinduction

Q.20. Columba livia is scientific Name of
a) Piegon
b) Snake
c) Rabbit
d) Shark

Credit : Vikram Swaroop

20. a
19. a
18. c
17. a
16. a
15. a
14. b
13. a
12. b
11. d
10. d
9. b
8. c
7. c
6. b
5. d
4. d
3. a
2. a
1. a


Q.1 The Grand Canyon is located on the :
a) Colorado River
b) Rhine River
c) Tapi River
d) Niger River

Q.2 Match List I and List II and find out the correct answer from the codes given Below 

Lists1 : Thermal power plants

List 2: Locations

1. Westbengal
2. Bihar
4.Andhra Pradesh

1) a-1 , b-2, c-3, d-4
2) a-4, b-3, c-1, d-2
3) a-2, b-1, c-4, d-3
4) a-3, b-2 , c-1,d-4

Q.3 The Savanna Finds its ideal conditions of growth in :
a) mild and humid climate
b) dry summer and wet winter climate
c) hot humid climate with long dry season
d) hot summer and cool winter

Q.4 Where are most of the Earth's active volcanoes.
a) Europe
b) Pacific Ocean
c) Africa
d) South America

Q.5 The deflection of the winds to the right in the northern hemisphere is caused by 
a) revolution of the earth
b) rotation of the earth
c) uneven heating of the earth.
d) All of the Above

Q.6 Match List I and List II and find out the correct answer from the codes given Below 

Lists1 : Cottage industrial products
a)Silk Saree

List 2: Locations

1. Moradabad
2. Gorakhpur
4. Lucknow

1) a-1 , b-2, c-3, d-4
2) a-3, b-4, c-2, d-1
3) a-2, b-1, c-4, d-3
4) a-3, b-2 , c-1,d-4

Q.7 A rare and endangered animal in silent Valley is:
a) Musk deer
b) Tiger
c)Lion -tailed macaque
d) Rhinoceros

Q.8 What is Obra known for 
a) A Refinery
b) An Aluminium Plant
c)a Bird Sanctuary
d) a Thermal power Station

Q.9 Sambhar salt lake is situated in 
a) Himachal Pradesh
b) Karnataka
c) Madhya Pradesh
d) Rajasthan

Q.10  Galena is a Mineral of 
a) Iron
b) gold
c) Lead
d) Calcium

Q.11 Where in India can Mushroom Rock Found
a) Eastern Ghats
b) Western Ghats
c) Thar Desert
d) Satpura Range

Q.12. Which one of the following does not form Part of Narmada Basin ??
a) Madhya Pradesh
b) Rajasthan
c) Gujarat
d) Maharshtra

Q.13 Who coined therm Geography .
a) Ptolemy
b) Eratosthenese
c) Hacatus
d) Herodotus

Q.14 Which of the following is called the ecological hotspot of India?
a) Western Ghats
b) Eastern Ghats
c) Western Himalayas
d) Eastern himalayas

Q. 15 The Art and Science of Map Making is called 
a) Remote sensing
b) Photo Grammetery
c) Mapping
d) Cartography

Q.16. The age of the Earth can be determined by :
a) Geological time scale
b) Radio Metric dating
c) Gravity Method
d) Fossilization Method

Q.17.Chewing Gumm is Made from :
a) Resin
b) Tannin
d) Gum

Q.18 Manas Santuary in Assam is Famous  for 
a) Elephants
b) Bears
c) Tigers
d) Wild Ass

Q.19 Atacama Desert is located in Which Continent
a) Africa
b)South America
c)North America

Q.20 Who discovered North Pole ?
a) Amundson
b) Robert Peary
c) John Cobot
d) Captain Cook

20. b
19. b
18. a
17. c
16. b
15. d
14. a
13. b
12. b
11. c
10. c
9. d
8. d (In Sonbhadra District of UP)
7. c
6. c
5. b
4. b
3. c
2. c
1. a

Friday 10 June 2016

Post Mauryan India [HISTORY]


Pushyamitra Sunga( 185 BC-149 BC)
  • He was Commander in chief in the Mauryan Army.
  • He killed the last Mauryan king – Brihadratha and forcibly usurped the throne.
  • He followed brahamanism, Buddhist refers to him as the persecutor of Buddhism.
  • His son Agnimitra succeeded him
  • Greek invasion of Patliputra Repulsed by Vasumitra – Grandson of Pushyamitra Sunga .
  • Last Sunga Ruler – Devabhuti Who was murdered by Vasudeva Kanva who was the founder of kanva Dynasty.
  • He performed two Ashwamedha Sacrifices to expand the empire.
  • Most important challenge of sungas was to protect north India against the invasions of Bactrian Greeks from the North West.

The Indo-Greeks:
  • Demetrius Greek Ruler of bactria Annexed Afghanistan and Punjab.
  • From Taxila, He sent two commanders for further Conquests- Appolodotus and Menander.
  • Appolodotus Conquered Sindh and Marched upto Ujjain
  • Menander  Extended his rule upto Mathura.
  • He also Made Attempt to capture Patliputra But stopped by the army of Vasumitra – Grandson of Pushyamitra Sunga.
  • Most Famous Ruler was Menander( 165 BC- 145 BC), also known as Milinda , His Capital Was at Sakala (Modern Sialkot in Punjab).
  • Menander was converted by Buddhism by Nagasena(Nagarjuna).
  • Dialogue b/w Nagasena and Menander compiled in the book Milindpanho.
  • Indo-greek were the first one to issue coins attributed to kings.
  • Greeks were the First one to Issue Gold Coins.
  • They Introduced the features of Hellensenic art.
  • Heliodorus( A Vaishnavite)- Greek Ambassador –Erected a Pillar- also called Garud Pillar at Besnagar Near Vidisha , Madhyapradesh.
  • Shakas, a Nomadic Tribe from Central Asia.
  • They attacked Bactria and Parthia , Captured them form Greek Rulers.
  • Gradually , They Extended their Rule over north werstern India.
  • They Divided into Two groups of Shakas.
    • Northern Satraps- Ruled Over Taxila and Northern India.
    • Western Satraps- Ruled Over Maharashtra.
  • Founder Of Shaka Rule in Ist Century BC was Moga or Maues.
  • Maues Established Shaka Power in Gandhara and ruled around 80-60 BC.
      • His Capital – Sirkap(Taxila)
  • His Son and Successor – Azes I Annexed the kingdom of last greek Ruler Hippostratos.
  • In 58 BC Azes I founded the Azes Era, Coincides with Vikram Era in India.
  • Bimaran Casket – Found in Jalalabad, Pakistan (b/w 1833 to 1838)
    • It Had Coins of Azes II
    • It also Had Idol in which Buddha Is represented among the Dieties Brahma  and Indra.
  • Shakas Issued a Large No. of copper and Silver Coins.
Q. Which Saka Ruler Had the Title of Maharaja Mahatma ?
    • Answer is Mogas or Maues.
Five Branches of Shakas Where they Settled
1. Afghanistan
2.Punjab(Capital- Taxila)
4.Western India
5.Upper Deccan.

Most Famous Saka Ruler – Rudradaman I ( 130 – 150 AD)
  • Famous for its work to improve the condition of sudarshan Lake in Semi Arid Zone of kathiyawar.
  • Issued the first ever Long Inscription Of Sanskrit
  • They Moved Form Iran to India.
  • They Occupied only a very small portion of north werstern India.
  • Most Famous Ruler- Gondophernes
  • In his reign, St Thomas Came to India for the propagation of Christianity.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

The Satvahanas (271 BC – 220 CE)

Sources :
1. Puranas throw much light on chronology and geneology.
  • Matsya , Vaya, Vishnu, Barhmanda, Bhagvada
2. Sources of Social and cultural History
  • Gathasaptasati, Brihatkatka, Kamasutra
3. Archeological Sources
  • Nanaghat Inscription by Naganika(Wife Satkarni I)
  • Nasik Inscription of Balasri (Mother of Gautamiputra Satkani)
    •  gives information about Gautamiputra satkarni 
  • Coins have Names of Rulers.
4. Puranas mentioned 30 andhra kings with total reign of 456 years.
5.Simuka (Founder of Satvahana Dynasty) of Andhra Race killed last Kanva ruler Susarma.

Important Satvahana Kings:

  • Founder , ruled for 23 years
  • Expanded his territories upto Vidharba region.
  • Capital : Pratisthanpura.
  • Second Ruler
  • Extended the empire upto Nasik.
  • Patronised Buddhism.

Satkarni I
  • Achievement described in nanaghat inscriptions inscribed by his queen Naganika.
  • Conquered Malwa, Anupa, Vidharba egion.
  • Exercised Sway over Deccan, Konkan And Katiawar.
  • Assumed the title of Dakshinpathapati.
  • Performed Asvamedha and Rajasuya Yagya.
  • Issued Aswamedha coins
  • Promoted Vedic Religions
  • Patronised brahmans by gifting land and cows.
  • Hathigumpha inscription mentioned conflict with kharavela.

Satkarni II
  • He had the longest rule of 56 Years.
  • Occupied Kalinga after the death of kharavela.
  • Coins of his time discovered at Sanchi.
Kunthala Satakani
  • 13th king mentioned in Several Literary Works
  • Sanskrit was replaced with Prakrit as official Language.
  • His scholar minister :
    • Sarvavarma who composed Kathantra vyakarna.
    • Gunadya who composed Brihatkatka

Hala was 17th king Who compiled Gathasaptasati in Prakrit .
  • Empire Suffered a temporary Setback After Hala .
  • Sakas were powerful in western deccan in Ist AD
  • Western Kshtarpa king Nahapana Occupied Western Deccan , parts of Maharashtra, Konkan , Malwa, kathiyawar, southern Rajasthan.
Now Hero Comes ...... To save the Empire 

Gautamiputra Satkarni
  • 23rd King
  • Outstanding Ruler of Ancient India.
  • Revived the fallen fortunes of Satvahanas.
  • Nasik Inscriptions by his mother recorded his presonality and listed his achievements.
  • He Destroyed Shakas, Pahlavas And yavanas.
  • Defeated Shaka King Nahapna.
  • He restrucked the coins of Nahapana
  • Assumed the title of "Trisamudra Taja Ritavata"
  • Restored Caste Purity " Vinivarnita Varna Sankarma"
  • Patronised Buddhism and Brahmanism
  • Saka Resumed Conflict after his death.
Rudradaman(Saka) Established his authority over a greater part of western Deccan.

Yajna Sri Satkarni
  • Last Important Ruler.
  • Ousted Sakas From western Deccan.
  • Nagarjuna - Famous Buddhist Philospher adorned his court.
  • Issued Coins Having Ship Mast Image.
  • Enlarged the Amaravati Stupa.
Satvahanas Rule Ended In 3rd CE.

Cultural Cultivation :
  • Satvahanas Patronized buddhism and Brahmanism
  • They also Built Chityas And Viharas.
  • Amravati Stupa was Repaired by Vashishthputra pulamayi.

Some More Points
  • The District was called Ahara as in Ashokan Times 
  • Officials were called Amatyas and Mahamatyas
  • Administration in Rural areas was Placed in the Hands of Gaulmika - Head of Military Regiment.
  • It was a customary for the king to be named after his mother's name like Gautamiputra .
  • Satvahanas started the practice of granting tax free villages to brahmans adn buddhist monks
  • They issued potin , copper and bronze money , Coins of lead also found in large no,s in Deccan.
  • Satvahanas were the first Rulers to make Land grants to the Brahamans.
  • Gandhika were the traders of perfume.
  • A Senapati was Appointed as provincial governer.
  • Important wool Making centre : Uddayin 
  • Mostly Inscriptions are found  in Maharashtra.
    • Nanaghat Inscription(Pune) by Naganika (Wife of Satkarni I)
    • Karle Cave Inscription is of Vasishtiputra Oulamayi II
    • Inscription of Pulamayi II also found at Nasik

Tuesday 7 June 2016

HARSHA Period ( 606-647 AD)

HARSHA Period ( 606-647 AD)


Harshacharita written by Banabhatta(Court Poet Of Harsha).
Travel Acounts of Chinese Pilgrim Hiuen Tsang who Visited India in 7th Century AD
Dramas Written by Harshavardhana: Ratnavali, Nagananda, Priyardardasika
Madhubhen Plate Inscription and Sonpat inscription (Provide Choronological Information of Harsha Period)